Dear Member, The AGM of JHCOBA, NSW Branch will be held at the Yaarl Restaurant, 221A, Wentworth Avenue, Pendle Hill,… READ MORE
Geethavani 2017 event was held at the Clancy Auditorium, University of New South Wales, Sydney, on Saturday Sep 09, 2017.… READ MORE
Dear Member, JHC OBA NSW Branch –Annual General Meeting (AGM) On Sunday, 4 December 2016 ( 6.00 pm) at Reg… READ MORE
Please download special General Meeting invitation SGM – 4 September 2016 – JHC Old Boys NSW Branch READ MORE
Mega Pongal 2016, an event jointly presented by the Jaffna Hindu College Old Boys Association (JHCOBA) Sydney and Tamil Businesses,… READ MORE
The Sydney OBA, in collaboration with the Tamil Merchants of Sydney, hosted a grand Pongal Vizha that beautifully showcased Tamil… READ MORE
Please download Annual General Meeting invitation – AGM Invitation 2010 READ MORE
Hony. Secretary,
PO BOX 166, Pendle Hill,
NSW 2145
© JHC OBA Sydney